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Docker host on Raspberry Pi (installation from OS X)

Published on 01 Mar 2016

Download image

Download linux image from

Install it on SD card

localhost$ diskutil list
localhost$ diskutil unmountdisk /dev/diskX
localhost$ cat hypriot-rpi-yyymmdd-hhmmss.img | pv -s `stat -f %z hypriot-rpi-yyyymmdd-hhmmss.img` | sudo dd bs=1m of=/dev/diskX

You may beed to install the pv tool with something like bower install pv)

Enable internet sharing on your Mac

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select Sharing Preference Pane
  3. Enable Internet Sharing with the following settings: Share your connection from: Wi-Fi to computers using Ethernet

Boot the Raspberry and first login

Install the card, connect the ethernet cable and power up the PI. Then, discover its IP address with (if nmap is missing, you can install it via bower install nmap)

localhost$ ifconfig
localhost$ nmap -sP

where is the IP address of your bridgeXXX interface, given by ifconfig.

You can now login to your PI (considering its IP address is

localhost$ ssh root@
password: hypriot

Alternatively, you can copy your public SSH key with

localhost$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@ "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
password: hypriot
localhost$ ssh root@

Play with docker

You should now be all set! To confirm that everything went fine, you can type:

raspberry$ docker info


Last generated on 18 Nov 2016